Thankfully, Parallax Trajectory isn’t hard to come by, as collecting the stuff follows a similar pattern to other currencies in previous seasons. There are a few wrinkles this time, though, as Bungie’s taken the past seasonal models and modified them for their final outing in Year 4.

There’s a moderate chance to get three units with every enemy you kill no matter where you kill them. Most activities also award some on completion, and you can have a maximum of 1,500 units in your inventory at once.

Your best bet at farming Parralax Trajectory in Season of the Lost is in Strikes. Completing a Vanguard Strike awards 150 Trajectory, plus all the chances you’ll have to earn it from killing combatants. For longer Strikes with a lot of enemy density, you might walk away with 200 Trajectory or more for relatively little effort.

Crucible and Gambit are your second-best options, awarding 100 Parralax Trajectory per completion whether you win or not. Guardian kills aren’t worth any more currency than regular enemy kills, so unless you can sweep PvP games in a few minutes, Crucible is probably your least beneficial choice.

Public events are a good third-string option, as they award 75 for a non-Heroic completion and 88 for Heroic. Provided you don’t mind hopping across the system doing the same Public Events you’ve been doing for years, you could probably make more than grinding Strikes, though it’s liable to get old faster.

Open-world options aren’t nearly as generous. Regular Lost Sectors and Patrols award nothing, and even the Legendary Lost Sectors only give three bits on completion.

Lastly, the Shattered Realm activity gives 100 Parralax Trajectory, but it takes long enough that it isn’t as farmable as it could be.

Where to Spend Parralax Trajectory

There are three locations where you’ll spend your seasonal currency:

Focusing Umbral Engrams at the H. E. L. M. Upgrading your Wayfinder Opening the loot chest at the end of Astral Alignment

Note that the Astral Alignment activity awards no Parralax Trajectory. Instead, you’ll need to spend 150 units of it to open the seasonal gear chest at the activity’s end. Umbral Engrams and Wayfinder upgrades will be your primary sinks, as a non-focused Engram costs 150 units and things go up sharply from there. Wayfinder unlocks are between 400 and 600, so you’ll need thousands and thousands of currency to unlock everything.

And that’s all you need to know about finding and farming Parralax Trajectory in Destiny 2. We’ve got more Season of the Lost coverage on the way, so stay tuned.

How to Farm Parralax Trajectory in Destiny 2 Season of the Lost   Destiny 2 - 48How to Farm Parralax Trajectory in Destiny 2 Season of the Lost   Destiny 2 - 87