There are at least two hidden cars for players to unlock – the Coaster Car and the Mummy Car. How do you access these neat little vehicles for your game? We’ve found the answer for you. 

Unlocking Hidden Cars in Crash of Cars

How to Unlock the Coaster Car

YouTuber clash with marios figured out the process for accessing this cart-style vehicle. Here’s the step-by-step for getting it yourself:

Select the bumper car (epic). Go to the Narrow map.   Go into the shopping center until you find a building with a clown face.   Drill through the door to open it.   Once you’ve opened the door, the car will be unlocked.

That’s all there is to it! 

How to Unlock the Mummy Car

YouTuber Dasky has spent several videos trying to unlock this car, and has finally found the answer just a few days ago. Here’s what you have to do:

Select the Chuck car. Go to the Desert map.   Smash down each one of the four sphinxes – possibly the first one twice, which Dasky did just in case.   Go to the door behind the large sphinx with the waterfall coming out of its mouth. The door should be opened so you can go through and find the hidden car.

That wraps up our guide for finding these two hidden cars. Are there other hidden cars in Crash of Cars we should know about? Do you know how to find them? If so, let us know in the comments!