Method 1

This is the easiest way to get the remastered games for free. If you have downloaded Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den on Steam, the remastered versions will be available as a second game and ready to be installed whenever you please. 

Method 2

Getting your games like this proves to be a little more difficult. If you purchased a physical copy of the game, you must have the CD and a working Steam account in order to get the remastered editions for free. The 2K blog post states that players must provide proof that they purchased the physical game in addition to handing over Steam profile information to 2K Support. Additional Information will be needed to submit a ticket. 

Acquiring a copy for Bioshock 2 might prove to be a tad more tedious. Customers will need to find the Games for Windows Live key that came with either the physical or digital copies of the games, which they will need for downloading the remastered versions on Steam. 2K has provided step-by-step instructions here in addition to frequently asked questions players might have before contacting support. 


Although the games might be free, the toll on your computer’s hardware might not be. Make sure to check below to see whether or not your PC can handle the remastered versions of Bioshock and Bioshock 2.


Bioshock 2

If you are a stranger to the Bioshock series, make sure to check out our (spoiler free) guide to get your sea legs! With the release of Bioshock: The Collection, an influx of new players will need as much help as they can get finding their bearings amidst an ocean of veteran players. 

 Have any of these methods worked for you? Having trouble getting your free copies? Let me know down in the comments!