If you’re wondering how to hack or use breach protocol to solve hacking puzzles in Cyberpunk 2077, our hacking guide goes over both, with some handy tips to make the most out of them.

How to Hack Through Quickhacking

The basic hacking you’ll do in Cyberpunk 2077 gets divided among multiple quickhacks that use RAM from your cyberdeck. These range from things such as deactivating surveillance systems to even re-setting enemy cognition so they’re not aggressive anymore.

Higher intelligence powers up your quickhack effects and reduces the amount of RAM required to use them. You can scan people and objects around you to see what quickhacks are available, and there’s often at least one hack available for everything you scan.

Naturally, what you can do with through hacking varies depending on the object you scan, (e.g., you can’t do with people what you can with security systems).

Aside from offensive quickhacks, the most important thing in your hack scan is obtaining data. The data panel shows you what you get from defeating that enemy, including whether there are any lucrative bounties on them and if defeating them might affect your Street Cred stat.

Bounties often turn up in surprising places, so data scanning is definitely worth your time.

You can obtain more quickhacks in a few ways:

As rewards for completing missions Buying them from ripperdocs or netrunners Crafting them, made possible through raising intelligence

But you’ll be limited in the number you can use at first and how you can use them. 

Quickhack Mods

Quickhacks live in your operating system, and Cyberpunk 2077 is full of different mods that can augment your quickhacks. Some increase your RAM, while others activate more than one quickhack simultaneously. It’s worth experimenting with different mods to see what suits your playstyle best.

Cyberpunk 2077: Solving Breach Protocol Hacking Puzzles

The other side to hacking in Cyberpunk 2077 is breach protocol. The breaching protocol is actually a number mini-game of sorts, which you’ll often encounter when trying to weaken opponents or access secure terminals. However, some quests involve breach protocol too, including The Pickup. 

Cyberpunk 2077 Hacking Minigame: How Breach Protocol Works

When using breach protocol, you’re given a grid of numbers for Cyberpunk 2077’s hacking minigame. There’s a time limit, and a set of numbers you need to key in to receive certain rewards, but the order you can select them changes with each selection.

You always start with a horizontal row. After choosing your first number, it switches to vertical. You can only pick a number above or below your first choice, and then it switches back to horizontal again.

In the example under the breach protocol heading, you’d start with the first required input, 55, and then be locked to choosing the next from the first column. Picking 1C locks your third choice to the fourth row. 

Planning ahead is absolutely essential in these puzzles, though some breach protocol puzzles offer you extra input chances to reach the row or column you need. You also get more time to finish the puzzles and more spare chances with higher intelligence.

That’s very handy for the more complicated breach protocol puzzles that come your way for more important terminals later in the game, so don’t skimp on intelligence if you want a solid hacker build.

That’s all you need to know about how to hack and solve breach protocol hacking puzzles in Cyberpunk 2077. Keep an eye out for our more Cyberpunk 2077 guides in the coming days, as well as our review.

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