Every Call of Duty: Modern Warfare player wants to run the game at as high a framerate as possible. The difference between 60fps and 30fps in Modern Warfare multiplayer is literally a difference between life and death. This Call of Duty guide will help you set your desired FPS boost on PC through a very delicate graphics settings pattern.

Follow the instructions below to get the highest possible framerate.

How to Increase FPS in Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Step 1: Set Custom Framerate

One of the biggest mistakes that many players do is set their framerate to Unlimited. The problem is that this setting is only good for high-end PCs that can handle this type of setting. But if your machine is not on par with the latest gaming PCs, then it’s time to set a custom framerate.

Go to Graphics Settings Select Custom Framerate Limit Set Gameplay Limit at 144 max Set Menu Limit at 60 max Set Out of Focus Limit at 30 max

These settings will make sure that your graphics card will have enough bandwidth to provide you with a high framerate and at the same time, not burn out by trying to go well above 200 FPS.

For example, if you have a monitor with a 60Hz refresh rate, there’s no reason to set your custom framerate above 60fps. 

Step 2: Save Your VRAM

The next step involves saving some of your video memory (VRAM). You can do so by following these steps:

Set Display Mode to Fullscreen Set Render Resolution to 100 Set V-Sync to Disabled Set Texture Resolution to Normal Set Shadow Map Resolution to Normal Set DirectX Raytracing to Disabled Set World Motion Blur to Disabled Set Weapon Motion Blur to Disabled

That’s all you need to know about increasing your FPS in Modern Warfare. For more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare guides, check out the growing list below:

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