One recurring daily objective that is reoccurring requires you to participate in a client job, though it isn’t immediately obvious how to do that or what those are. This guide will walk you through it.
If you’d like to complete that pesky daily objective, you’ll need to make a few pretty expensive purchases first. It is required that you own the Terrorbyte expedition truck to participate in client jobs.
The Terrorbye is the large, black, armored command truck that is also referred to as the “Hacker Truck”. It can cost anywhere between $1,372,000 and $3,459,500, depending on the customizations, and is purchasable at Warstock Cache and Carry.
This vehicle is required for client jobs, as its touchscreen panel is what you use in order to take on client jobs. First, you’ll need to summon the Terrorbyte through your interaction menu, bringing the vehicle to you.
Enter it and navigate towards “The Nerve Center”, which is the touchscreen panel. Contact Paige Harris, who is one of the hackers you may remember from the online heists. Paige will brief you on the jobs and you can choose to do any one of the six available.
The six jobs are:
Robbery in Progress Data Sweep Targeted Data Diamond Shopping Collectors Pieces Deal Breaker
Each of these jobs will net you around $30k, so it will be a decent grind to make back the money you spent to purchase the Terrorbyte.
The final two jobs listed can only be done with other players, while the other four can be done solo. It’s advised to avoid the ones that require a group, as the money will be split between everyone, giving you a significantly smaller payout.
These jobs will require you to perform small heists or hacks, then deliver the goods and data to given locations for the $30k rewards. Client jobs will become quicker means of making profit with practice, as you can repeat these jobs daily. These client jobs double as earning you money from the job itself, as well as rewards for completing the daily objective, making this one of the best ways to “legally” earn money in GTA Online.