It’s really rather simple. 

You pump fake by double-tapping the button for the receiver you want the defense to bite on. This will bait the defense toward the receiver, opening up another receiver to actually catch the ball. 

To pump fake: 

Snap the ball Double-tap the button of the receiver you want to fake to

The pump fake can be fickle, too. Sometimes you will pump fake and be able to throw to the intended receiver immediately; sometimes, you won’t. The input just doesn’t seem to register. There’s also the risk of double-pumping if you mash the button for the intended receiver too soon after the initial press, which completely throws off the timing of any play. 

Best Routes for the Pump Fake

The pump fake is best used on a hitch-and-go or any double-move play. It also works well with a deep fade route that gives the receiver enough room along the sideline to create separation. Post routes can also work depending on the defense, as can routes across the middle, though to varying success. 

For most routes, it’s best to pump fake early, so your target receiver can put distance between him and the defender. For hitch-and-go and double-move routes, it’s best to pump fake when the receiver makes his cut, which typically draws in the whole field. 

Remember that everything constricts on a shorter field, making the pump fake even less useful for longer routes over the 50 and closer to the endzone. 

Best Defense for the Pump Fake

Ideally, the pump fake is best used against deeper zone coverages, such as Cover 3 Match or Cover 4 Palms, where you can bait a defender inside or off double coverage. Using it against man-to-man coverage is difficult at best; the AI secondary doesn’t seem to take the bait too often. 

However, though the pump fake can occasionally fool the secondary, it still takes valuable time to pull off. Just as you would be for a play-action pass, be wary of the pass rush when pump faking to avoid a sack. 

And that’s how you pump fake in Madden 22, whether you’re playing on console or PC. If you’re wondering how to slide, consider checking out our quick guide on that mechanic here.

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