To QB slide on Xbox One/Series X|S, pass the line of scrimmage, and tap X.  This works whether you’re running or not. If you press or hold X, your quarterback will dive.   QB sliding on the PS4/PS5 is also just as simple: all you have to do is pass the line of scrimmage and tap Square.  Again, don’t press or hold Square, or your quarterback will dive. For the sake of being exhaustive, if you’re on PC and for some reason using a mouse and keyboard (shudder), E is the default sliding input.

You’ll know your quarterback has made it beyond the line of scrimmage when the receiver button icons disappear. If you’re running laterally and haven’t gotten beyond the line of scrimmage, tapping X, Square, or E will perform a lob pass, which very well could turn into an ill-advised interception.

As mentioned above, this mechanic also works with wide receivers and running backs, though it’s not technically a slide. If you tap X or Square while another position player has the ball, they’ll fall down with their back to the defender. This is a good way to not only avoid taking a hit when you don’t have to, but it’s also good for protecting the ball. 

Make sure to practice the sliding or going down before trying it in a real game since tapping X and Square can be a bit fickle. Diving can cause you to accidentally fumble, and no one wants that.

To always get the action right, one trick is to double-tap the slide button to ensure you perform the action correctly; while it’s not necessary to double-tap (a single tap works just fine), you’re less likely to fully press the input when double-tapping since it’s a different motion for your thumb. 

And that’s how to slide in Madden 22. If you’re wondering how to throw the ball away — another great way to keep your QB safe when no one’s open — head over here.