What Are Scorestreaks and Nukes?

A scorestreak in CoD games rewards players with special items for earning an unbroken stream of points, either for completing objectives or wracking up kills. Nukes are a type of scorestreak reward, and in previous entries, they would immediately end a multiplayer match.

The V2 Rocket

The V2 Rocket is a special Call of Duty multiplayer function that allows players to call down a bomb and kill any player that is not under some form of cover. This special ability is only available in ranked online multiplayer matches, so you won’t be able to access it in private matches.

It’s not the same powerhouse seen in earlier games, but still has the potential to change the course of the match. This nuke no longer ends the game, but will give you enough points to tip the balance in your favor.

How to Unlock

If you want to access the V2 Rocket, you’re going to have to do a couple of things.


First, you need to prestige in all 5 divisions of the game: Infantry, Armored, Airborne, Mountain, and Expeditionary. This will take some time to achieve, so don’t expect to have this ability as soon as you play the game, and plan on grinding a fair amount. 

The divisions are the class system for COD: WWII, and you can prestige each by playing them repeatedly in multiplayer. Completing objectives is the easiest way to earn XP, but certain modes, like Domination and Hardpoint, where you earn steady streams of XP for defending certain points, or Deathmatch, which gives you extra XP for the number of kills you make.Each of the divisions has their own unique loadout combinations, so you’ll have to adjust to different play styles.

Unlike other scorestreaks, you don’t need to equip the V2 Rocket to a loadout to use it. It is automatically given to you as a scorestreak once you achieve  prestige in all 5 divisions. 


Once you have unlocked the V2 rocket, the next challenge is using it. You must obtain a 25 player killstreak of 25. If you’re not aware what a killstreak it is, it’s essentially the number of kills you have achieved in succession without dying (and you start from 0 if you do die). The 25 player killstreak must obtained without using another score streak, so you need to avoid using any other scorestreaks you unlock while in a match. After the 25th kill, a message will appear on the screen that the V2 Rocket is unlocked, and it will tell you what button to press to use it. 

How to Use

When you use the V2 Rocket, you’ll need to consider the situation, including the state of the match. You  want to use it when you know enemies are not under or near cover for it to be effective. This also means it is not the most useful in areas that have a lot of cover and inside areas, so you should weigh the risk of obtaining the rocket versus your other scorestreaks that might be more effective more often. 

One method would be to use teamwork, creating distractions or luring as many opponents out from cover as possible before launching the V2 and securing victory. Consider too whether it’s better to use  sooner or later, since it no longer ends the match automatically. For example, if you turn the tables too soon, it can mean you’ve used the best weapon available and still have the chance to lose later on.

Not many people have used the nuke yet, given how long it takes to unlock it, so how it affects the multiplayer scene and what strategies players developer around it remain to be seen.

Let us know in the comments if you’ve used the V2 Rocket already or if you think it’s worth it, and be sure to check out our other Call of Duty: WWII guides!